Three Modern Field Marketing Strategies to Boost Your Brand

16 Jul,2024

Field marketing strategies are important tools for brands and retailers, who are frequently faced with the significant challenge of figuring out innovative approaches to engage consumers and stay relevant in the retail landscape. 

Because of this, many brands and retailers have turned to the domain of field marketing, which has the potential to build consumer relationships, drive sales, and increase engagement across the board. Over time, the phenomenon of field marketing has evolved to reach new heights. Thanks to developments like new technology innovations (such as image recognition) and shifts in consumer behaviour, brands and retailers have capitalised on these developments, implementing new strategies to help win the fight for attention on the shop floor. 

Innovation is truly key. With the rise in consumers shopping for own-brand labels, it appears as though our loved and trusted premium brands are seeking ways to convince consumers why they should still buy in. 

But how can this be achieved?

Here at Tactical Solutions, as experts in the field marketing industry, we’ve delivered some of the most innovative retail solutions for a variety of brands in the UK market. Thanks to our data-centric and people-focused approach, brands and retailers trust us to deliver services that transform their numbers! 

In this blog post, we’ll explore several innovative field marketing strategies that we think can elevate your brand and drive meaningful engagement.

Let’s take a closer look

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Field marketing: What is it and how does it work?

At its core, field marketing is a direct marketing approach that creates a personal connection between the product and the target audience. This hands-on strategy could involve activities like product demonstrations, sampling, in-store promotions, and event marketing. Ultimately, the main goal is to create memorable experiences that resonate with consumers and encourage them to interact with your brand.

A good field marketing strategy will boost consumer trust and loyalty – two factors that can help leverage both brand and retailer success. Unlike traditional advertising (which relies on the passive consumption of media), field marketing actively involves customers in the brand experience. 

If you’re looking to use field marketing services within your business, you may want to consider choosing from the broad range of field marketing agencies on the market at the moment. At Tactical Solutions, we believe we’re the best, able to take your brand to success in no time. 

Get in touch today and we’ll get things started!

Our top field marketing strategies for modern brands

So, what are our top field marketing strategies for modern brands? We’ll show you!

Regardless of whether you’re searching for B2C or B2B field marketing strategies, we’ve got everything you need to boost your brand to the next level, in no time! As a premier field marketing agency in the UK, we’re sure we’ll be able to help you. 

If you’d like to get on board the Tactical Solutions train after reading through the page, all you need to do is get in touch and we’ll do the rest of the work for you!

The role of data analytics: 


These days, having a data-centric approach can transform a brand’s field marketing strategy by keeping them ahead of the curve. Our data and tech enables you to gain valuable insights into powerful metrics such as:

  • How often are consumers shopping for certain products?
  • How much are they spending on their average shop?
  • What brands are they buying into?

By gaining more of an understanding of the consumer in terms of their preferences and behaviours, brands can tailor their strategies to target specific audiences more effectively. This is a great way for brands to keep their costs down too, as they can ensure that they’re pooling money to spend in the right areas.

A great example of a brand using data to elevate its marketing strategies is Tesco, which has recently launched their Clubcard challenges initiative – based on the existing consumer data they have already collected from its shoppers. Using AI, they provide customers with personalised challenges (e.g. ‘spend ÂŁ20 on our Summer BBQ range over the next 6 weeks’), and once completed, customers can receive extra Clubcard points. Overall, this is a great way to enhance the overall customer experience. 

Additionally, data analytics can also help brands and retailers measure the success of their campaigns. By tracking key performance indicators (KPIs) like engagement rates and return on investment (ROI), brands can identify what works and what doesn’t, telling them what can be scrapped and improved upon for next time. If you’re a brand looking to achieve maximum impact in your campaigns, you need to be utilising the power of data. 

Understanding the importance of event marketing

event marketing
Event marketing is a great tool to build brand awareness, due to its ability to provide a platform for brands to showcase their products and services – in both a dynamic and interactive way. 

Some event marketing methods include pop-up installations, launch parties, and trade shows, offering unique opportunities to engage with potential customers. One of the many benefits of event marketing is that it enables the consumer to fully immerse themselves into the brand or products, an experience that they are unable to get over social media or through a website. 

More commonly, they also get to interact with a brand’s spokesperson, which enables them to ask questions that could be the deciding factor in buying into the product. To maximise the effectiveness of event marketing, it’s crucial to create a fail-proof plan that focuses on creating a cohesive brand presence. This could include designing eye-catching booths, offering engaging activities like a competition, and providing knowledgeable staff to interact with attendees. 

Going green

Thanks to the rise of the conscious consumer, sustainability commitments are no longer a ‘would be nice’ requirement for brands to have – instead, they’re now a mainstream expectation. 

Many consumers openly prefer brands that demonstrate a commitment to environmental responsibility, showing that they are concerned about current social/ethical issues and that they also care about the way that they are impacting the world around them. Incorporating sustainable practices into your field marketing strategy can enhance your brand’s reputation and appeal to this growing segment of consumers.

There are many ways for brands to adopt a greener approach – some useful examples could include:

  • Using eco-friendly materials for promotional items
  • Reducing waste
  • Offering single-use alternatives at events
  • Supporting and partnering with environmental causes and charities.

Additionally, brands can communicate their sustainability efforts through storytelling, sharing their journey towards becoming more environmentally responsible. Consumers appreciate transparency and bringing the consumer into your story can only be a beneficial thing. 

At Tactical Solutions, we’re highly committed to saving the planet, using our influence as a beacon for good. Not only are we B Corp certified, but we’re also carbon neutral, dedicated to creating a sustainable path for all within the retail world.

Find out more in our 2023 Impact Report here!

poundland demi
Bonus strategy! Leveraging influencer partnerships

It’s safe to say that we’re truly in the age of the influencer, one of the key trends that emerged in 2023. 

With the dominance of social media, influencers hold a significant amount of power which can shift consumer perception, consequently impacting the way consumers shop. Incorporating influencer partnerships into your field marketing strategy can significantly boost your brand’s reach and credibility. Thanks to their own digital presence, influencers have built trust with their followers and can authentically promote your products or services to a broader audience. Because of this, brands need to figure out the best influencer who aligns well with what they currently do.

A great example of a retailer applying this strategy is Poundland, who recently collaborated with Ex-love islander Demi Jones for her exclusive range of beauty products. To promote her collection they held a meet and greet event in their Watford flagship store, enabling her fan base to show their support, also allowing her to talk about her collection in-depth. 

Brands can partner with influencers on creative campaigns (such as live events, product launches, or social media takeovers) to create a buzz and drive engagement. This strategy not only amplifies a brand’s message, but also provides a relatable and trusted voice to endorse products.

Field marketing: The Tactical Solutions way

At Tactical Solutions, we’re one of the UK’s premier field marketing companies, understanding the nuances of effective field marketing. However, our remit extends far past the field, also including elements that might be more at home in an FMCG marketing agency. 

Our approach combines cutting-edge technology with personalised interactions to deliver exceptional results. Using data analytics, we tailor our expertise to ensure that you’re getting the very best out of our services. Our event marketing expertise allows us to create unforgettable experiences that resonate with consumers and drive brand loyalty.

Sustainability is at the heart of all we do and we are committed to implementing eco-friendly practices in all our campaigns, from using recyclable materials to reducing our carbon footprint. Our goal is to help brands achieve their marketing objectives while contributing positively to the environment. 

By working with us, you’ll be showcasing your dedication to sustainable practices, meeting the expectations of your environmentally conscious consumers. 

We hold the keys to field marketing success!

At Tactical Solutions, we’re here to help you unlock the secrets of our powerful field marketing strategies. If you’re a brand looking to adopt a modern field marketing campaign, it’s clear that you’ll need to leverage a blend of data-driven retail insights, creative event planning, sustainability, and strategic partnerships. By adopting these strategies, you’ll have a greater chance of enhancing the visibility of your products, engaging meaningfully with consumers, and building long-lasting loyalty. 

Luckily for you, we offer a range of retail solutions to get you started, including:

We’re perfectly suited to help you get your business off the ground, no matter what you’re selling. 

If you’d like to find out a little more about how a retail marketing agency like Tactical Solutions can help your business on its way to stardom, get in touch today! Partner with us and take your brand to new heights in no time!